Who We Are


Reach4Reality was set up in February 2013 following the closure of the Highland Project of Reality Adventure Works (Reality) in November 2012.

Reach4Reality was awarded charitable status on 15/04/2013 and is registered with OSCR as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation: SC 043934.

Reach4Reality is managed by a Board of Trustees and employs one part-time Project Coordinator and two part-time Project Workers. We work closely with the Highland Council Children’s Health & Disability Teams and the newly formed Transitions Team.

Most of the young people we work with use their Self-Directed Support to fund our services, but as this does not cover all our costs, Reach4Reality regularly applies to a number of grant-making bodies for ongoing financial support.

We are currently supported by the following bodies:


We are also developing ways that our supporters can contribute financially to Reach4Reality, for example through individual giving or donations by becoming a Friend of Reach4Reality, or through individual fundraising.


Our charitable purposes as set out in our constitution are:

1  To improve the conditions of life for young persons within the Highland region who are disadvantaged by reason of their social communication difficulties due to autistic spectrum disorders or a related condition: by the organisation of recreational activities or assisting in the provision of recreational activities, primarily through the provision of outdoor pursuits activities at local residential outdoor activity centres.

2  To advance the ongoing education of such young persons through the provision of activities for the holistic development of their physical, mental, and spiritual capacities within the aegis of a Christian perspective and emphasis in their lives:

3  To enable such young persons to develop into full maturity in the whole of their respective personalities and character, both as individuals and as valued members of society.

Reach4Reality is a Christian organisation and the majority of our Team have an active Christian faith.  However, this is not a pre-requisite for supporting us, becoming a volunteer or benefitting from our services.


Colin Hall

Vice Chair

Donna Hall


Hilary Gardner



Sylvia Longbottom

Project Coordinator

Colin Gemmill

Young Person's Project Worker

Carol Hutchison

Young Person's Project Worker

